pluviophile. (n) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.
Hi everyone, seeing as my life has been largely uneventful due to the weather I thought I'd do a post on how to make the most of rainy days stuck indoors. Rain gets a bad rep for ruining people's hair and plans but personally I love a good lazy, overcast, chilled day. Here are some ideas perfect for cold, rainy weather:
Play your favourite records. I desperately need to expand my vinyl collection but after receiving "OK Computer" as a graduation gift; I never really play much else. If you don't own a turntable, just simply put on a mellow, melancholy playlist. I have a majorly depressing playlist reserved for rainy days - not entirely sure what this says about my personality.
Light a candle (one, or all of them in my case) Candles are a must have for a romantic atmosphere especially when you're going to be spending all day inside, most likely by yourself. I'm loving the scent of Glasshouse candle Marseille it has a very refreshing scent that isn't too overpowering so you don't get sick of it.
Read through old journals. I have a journal that contains my collection of favourite quotes from movies and books I've read. I love the immediate sense of nolstagia I get from flicking back through it.
Write new entires. The scene is set for introspection; write whatever thoughts come to mind. Marvel at the fact you have your own unique handwriting that belongs to you and only you in a world of 7 billion other people. Write down things you are grateful for. Be poetic, even if it will never reach the eyes of anyone else. Trust me, you'll regret not writing down how you once felt. Plus, it's extremely therapeutic.
Drink tea. I'm fairly confident I drink more tea than water and there's seriously nothing better than a hot cup of tea when its cold and the sky is gloomy.
Read a book. Some days are just made for cuddling up in bed with a book, drinking tea, listening to the sound of the rain in the background. There is a special place reserved in my heart for these days. I am currently reading Cloud Atlas and it has definitely been the most challenging book I've read this year. I'm halfway through and I've got a feeling I'll have fallen in love with it by the end, hopefully.
Watch a movie. Rainy days is the best movie weather - hands down. I'd suggest something sad to suit the weather. Go for something with a nice soundtrack, beautiful cinematography, and a heart-rending life message. Go for something that'll make you cry. Suggestions from personal experience include Boy A, Like Crazy, Blue Valentine & Disconnect. They're all rather tragic so maybe watch a few cute animal videos after.
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Blue Valentine: beautiful actors portraying the heartbreaking reality of falling out of love |
Last but not least... sleep. Rain is the best sound to fall asleep to. The universe is literally soothing you to sleep.
In hindsight, this is probably what I do on an everyday basis but it just seems much more atmospheric in rainy weather. I hope you're enjoying the perpetual rainfall as much as I.
Love, Thy x