

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Only Happy When It Rains

pluviophile. (n) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. 

Hi everyone, seeing as my life has been largely uneventful due to the weather I thought I'd do a post on how to make the most of rainy days stuck indoors. Rain gets a bad rep for ruining people's hair and plans but personally I love a good lazy, overcast, chilled day. Here are some ideas perfect for cold, rainy weather: 
Play your favourite records. I desperately need to expand my vinyl collection but after receiving "OK Computer" as a graduation gift; I never really play much else.  If you don't own a turntable, just simply put on a mellow, melancholy playlist. I have a majorly depressing playlist reserved for rainy days - not entirely sure what this says about my personality. 
Light a candle (one, or all of them in my case) Candles are a must have for a romantic atmosphere especially when you're going to be spending all day inside, most likely by yourself. I'm loving the scent of Glasshouse candle Marseille it has a very refreshing scent that isn't too overpowering so you don't get sick of it. 
Read through old journals. I have a journal that contains my collection of favourite quotes from movies and books I've read. I love the immediate sense of nolstagia I get from flicking back through it. 

Write new entires. The scene is set for introspection; write whatever thoughts come to mind. Marvel at the fact you have your own unique handwriting that belongs to you and only you in a world of 7 billion other people. Write down things you are grateful for. Be poetic, even if it will never reach the eyes of anyone else. Trust me, you'll regret not writing down how you once felt. Plus, it's extremely therapeutic. 
Drink tea. I'm fairly confident I drink more tea than water and there's seriously nothing better than a hot cup of tea when its cold and the sky is gloomy. 

Read a book. Some days are just made for cuddling up in bed with a book, drinking tea, listening to the sound of the rain in the background. There is a special place reserved in my heart for these days. I am currently reading Cloud Atlas and it has definitely been the most challenging book I've read this year. I'm halfway through and I've got a feeling I'll have fallen in love with it by the end, hopefully. 

Watch a movie. Rainy days is the best movie weather - hands down. I'd suggest something sad to suit the weather. Go for something with a nice soundtrack, beautiful cinematography, and a heart-rending life message. Go for something that'll make you cry. Suggestions from personal experience include Boy A, Like Crazy, Blue Valentine & Disconnect. They're all rather tragic so maybe watch a few cute animal videos after. 
Blue Valentine: beautiful actors portraying the heartbreaking reality of falling out of love
Last but not least... sleep. Rain is the best sound to fall asleep to. The universe is literally soothing you to sleep.

In hindsight, this is probably what I do on an everyday basis but it just seems much more atmospheric in rainy weather. I hope you're enjoying the perpetual rainfall as much as I.  
Love, Thy x 

Sunday, 15 February 2015

You're The One That I Want

Hey everyone :) Last Friday night, I went to the Angus and Julia Stone 2015 Summer Tour concert at Riverstage. They were absolutely amazing live and I'm suffering major post concert depression whilst writing this. I used to listen to them religiously throughout 2011-2012 and I practically know all the words to at least two whole albums. Thus, when I heard they were performing at Riverstage, I impulsively bought tickets straightaway which proves impulsivity isn't always a bad thing. 

Playsuit - Minkpink
Riverstage in the early hours - soo many couples
The tour included supporting acts by Jarryd James, Little May and Cloud Control. I was never really familiar with Cloud Control but after seeing their live performance, I am obsessed. I can't stop listening to their latest album Dream Cave. 

My newfounded love
After a lot of death glares and pushing and shoving, I came to be third from the front. Throughout the night, I was constantly torn between "I need to record this" and "I should not be on my phone". I recorded a few minutes here and there that were too precious not to but I ran out of phone space. Without thinking, I deleted like half of my apps to make space. I woke up the next morning thinking "wtf why is my phone so empty", I still don't remember what apps I deleted...

Before standing for 3+ hours straight, I regret not wearing socks so much
The most perfect human - I idolise her so much 
Big Jet Plane 

I still am processing the fact I saw them live, I cannot stress enough how incredible it was. During the encore, Cloud Control joined them for a cover of 'Stay With Me' and it was the most beautiful  3 minutes of my life. If I had to pick a favourite of the night, it would be Julia's cover of 'You're the One That I Want'. After the concert, I took a cab to Jenny's 18th party which just had to be on the same night, which meant I missed most of the party (sorry babe!). Nevertheless, I hope her night was amazing. 

I'm really sad this photo decided to focus on Jono
Mary & Reiko being hot as usual

Despite getting home really late, I woke up super early the next morning to make sure I would enough time to get everything ready for Valentines. And yet, I still managed to be rushed which probably had something to do with changing outfits fifty times. To celebrate Valentines, which coincidentally happens to be our anniversary, we decided to stick with simple and go out for dinner. We went to Vapianos for pizza and complimentary chocolate coated strawberries. On a side note, I actually hate restaurants with dim lighting, like okay I understand you're being atmospheric and such but seriously this lighting makes flattering selfies more difficult than it should be. 

I don't trust people who don't like pizza
"Babe, can I just eat it please"
Happy Valentines and  18 months anniversary bub 

After 1.5 years of dating, he still doesn't know how to focus on photos on my phone 
Matcha Ice Cream at Bonsai Botanika - the presentation was adorable
No one knows me better :3 
 I'm sorry if this was a seriously long post but a lot happened within a timeframe of 48 hours. Thank you for persevering until the end! 
Love, Thy xx

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Linh's 18th Cocktail Party

Happy 18th Linh!
Hello fronds :) Last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending Linh's 18th. She seriously put in so much effort and it turned out to be a great night, so thanks so much for hosting Linh! It was nice to see so many familiar faces and having the chance to catch up with people I hadn't seen in ages, some as long as since primary school days. The backyard was so nicely decorated with flowers & candles. The food was also presented with cute little blackboard tags and there was so much sushi *dies* I regret eating beforehand so much. The makeshift dance floor was decked out with UV and strobe lights which made Mary look like a bimbo off Jersey shore which was highly entertaining.  There was also a cute photobooth set up where Vonnie, Mary and I literally spent most of the night. Aside from that, the night was spent dancing with photobooth props, taking pictures of drunk people wearing socks and asian sandals, and a perpetual consumption of food. 

Face of the night
Just admiring the decorations :')
Hittin' up the d floor  
The most beautiful cake I've ever seen
 Photobooth fun

Feeling flushed :$
Hadn't seen Matt and Huy in ages!
they were so tiny and adorable omg
Thanks again to Linh for a fun night, and to Brandon (or technically 

his brother) for driving me home 

Love, Thy xx

Sunday, 8 February 2015

The First Twelfth of the Year

Hey everyone :) Now that January is officially over, I thought I'd do a post with the highlights of my month. I hope these random happenings have accumulated enough over the past four weeks to create substantial content haha. Warning: there is a lot of food porn.

January 8th
Thomas and his family were kind enough to invite me to join them at the Brisbane International, which is how I came to be at my first ever tennis match. I was actually really sick that morning and trying to recover in record time so I would be able to make it. Luckily I was feeling a lot better than night albeit rather drowsy. It was super weird to think the last time I was there was at graduation...

Bare Bones Society Part I
Went to see the last Hobbit - I still liked it but nothing compares to LOTR 

January 15th
Jess and I had our first sleepover (of many) of the year. It's strange because I always feel like it's been ages since I've seen her but then when we are together it feels like we've always been together. Did that make sense? Typically so, our sleepover consisted of nonstop eating, planning the next meals, and catching up on PLL. We are probably the weakest people on Earth when it comes to remotely scary films/shows so we refuse to watch PLL without each other present. Unfortunately, this also means we fall seasons behind everyone else but what can you do. We also went to Indro the next day to shop and ofc, eat. 
Midnight berry smoothie- we actually ended up making two because we drank the first one too quickly
Ok, you honestly haven't lived until you've tasted the 'Coco Bowl' acai bowl
Omg can I just say I hate the word 'acai' because it forces you to either 1) pronounce it incorrectly like " ac-ai" or 2) pronounce it correctly as in "ah-sigh-ee"'. Thus inevitably, you always end up sounding like a douche. Does anyone else live this struggle or is it just me? I can't win. #endrant

T2 has to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing stores 
The best friend who is practically an extension of myself
January 22nd
I finally reunited with my precious Ellie since the night I bumped into her at schoolies. Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how crazy it is that we ran into each other at schoolies when there were literally thousands of loose teenagers and she was without a phone?!? We went to see "The Imitation Game" and it was probably my favourite movie that I've seen this year. Benedict Cumberbatch, although undeniably the weirdest looking person on the planet, was insanely good. Also the music was just really nice and I love WWII movies in general. Afterwards, we went to the Lifeline bookfest and spent a solid 2 hours in the $1 section (i mean, how often can you get $1 books?). We actually only really left because we began to starve, like violently. We power-walked to West End and settled on Rogue Bar & Bistro which was completely deserted seeing it was about 2pm on a weekday. The food was to die for, especially since we dying of hunger.


Corn fritters w/ guacamole & sweet potato wedges mmmmmm

Bare Bones Society Part II: it was so nice to catch up with girls from work :)

Lunch at Mt Cootha on a nice overcast day
I was so devastated because I brought my camera with me to Mt Cootha only to realise the SD card was missing :(
One of my favourite YA adult novels to date
I read the last half the book in one sitting on a rainy day with depressing as music in the background. It's about a girl who commits suicide and posthumously releases tapes with each side detailing a reason why. Each side has a story that relates to a particular person and how they are responsible in the events that led to her ending her own life. It's written from the perspective of a boy in her class whilst he listens to the tapes, wondering how he could possibly fit into it, and it is just so haunting, beautiful and heartbreaking. I loved it so much ahhhhhh.
Went to see the Theory of Everything with Kim before Kenten's 18th that night

I had been looking forward to seeing "The Theory of Everything" ever since I saw the trailer. I fell in love with the soundtrack, it has an ethereal aura about it making it perfect reading background music. Kenten's later that night consisted of eating, trampoline jumping, a failed version of beer pong and poker. 

Seeing as all of my friends and I are turning 18 this year there's practically an 18th every week, if not every second, weekend. Somehow, I don't have many photos from actual events but I seem to have an abundance of photos of food. This is something I definitely need to work on. That's all for January, hope everyone had a great start to the year 

Love, Thy xx