

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Sydney: Part I of II

Hello! Hope everyone is doing well :) Rewinding to the last week of 2014, my family embarked on a 12 hour road trip to Sydney. Weirdly enough, it was my first time visiting a different state because we've always gone overseas for holidays. We stayed with family friends that I had never met before but luckily, I crashed with this girl my age and she was just about the coolest person I've ever met. She was also really awesome at photography and most of these photos were taken by her (thank you, Wendy!) Overall, it was a really fun trip and I can't wait to revisit. It's literally an hour or so on the plane. In hindsight, why did we drive...

These are the places we visited in the first few days ; NSW is so beautifully picturesque.  

Blue Mountains
Excuse me small child you're ruining my photo, also, how did you get on the other side of the fence

The Three Sisters from Echo Point Lookout
We were feeling adventurous in the mountains so we went on a hike "For Experienced Walkers" only. There were small children and old asian men with walking sticks on the track (I'm not exaggerating) so, intuitively, I thought it couldn't be that difficult. Wrong. I was overcome with immediate regret after 200m down the HIKE OF DEATH. Moral of the story: don't base life decisions around the physicality of nearby elderly men. 

Taking a break on a seriously uncomfortable rock beside a perfect bench

One of my favourite places we visited had to be Kiama, there's just something about vast bodies of water that makes it so captivating. The weather wasn't your typical ideal beach weather but in my opinion the overcast skies only made the view more scenic in a melancholy way. 

The water was so blue & pretty

Introducing the extremely camera shy Wendy
Sadly the lighthouse was closed on the day :(

Seriously can't get over how beautiful it was

Thanks for reading, part II should be up soon with more photos! :)

Love, Thy xx

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